Wednesday, 3 March 2021

You can't please all of the people....

It would be presumptuous to assume everyone will like my stories when I am just as critical of the stories I read or the films I watch or the music I listen to.

I write primarily for myself; stories that I like and would like to read. If I am able to find like-minded readers who enjoy my stories as much as I do, then great. If not, that is equally fine.

It's not my intention to bend over backwards to please everyone. No one writer will ever achieve that. I will continue to write what I know in the way that I do and make no apologies for it. 

You can't please all of the people...and you shouldn't want to.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

No Middle Ground....

 I can deduce two things from the reviews of my stories - you will either love them or hate them. There seems to be no middle ground here.